Huon Show 2019

Huon Show 2019

← Sunset and night street photography 16 November 2019ExcursionsThe Huon Show is one of true agricultural shows in Tasmania.  Unfortunately the weather god was not on the side of the Show organisers with persistent showers during the day.  This unfortunately...

January 2020

January 2020 club meeting Held on 16th January 2020 On the agenda… Presentations were given by:Ian Holloway on the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer which is an equatorial mount used in astro-photography.  A camera is attached to the mount and the mount then rotates...
November 2019 – Open Theme

November 2019 – Open Theme

← October 2019 - Open Theme November 2019 - "Album Cover" Theme → November 2019 – OpenTheme John Oxley – Gold+ Marilyn Boyle – Gold+ Anne Dean – Gold Bill Martin – Gold Brian Corr – Gold Mark Hopgood – Gold...