March 2021 club meeting

18 March 2021

On the agenda…

Editing challenge

Rather than a demonstration of how Lightroom works with members sitting and listening, our March meeting hosts Julie Moltman and David Ridgers organised computers and images to process the images ‘hands on’ in Lightroom with groups of five.

The computer owners keyed as the groups discussed what they would like to see. Images were put up on the screen for people to see the changes that had been made.

Comments afterwards conveyed that it was a good learning experience, even for the experienced. As David explained in the introduction, there are many ways to do the same thing in Lightroom. Those who did not know Lightroom at all, or well, were happy to see how it worked and what could be possible. And of course within the groups there were varying views on how something would look best and how to do it.

Overall, a very positive experience. Thank you to everyone involved in the organisation of this event.


Digital Challenges


Print Challenge