May 2019 club meeting
16 May 2019
On the agenda…
Madi Riley
Madi is a biological volunteer who has just returned from 9 months at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. Madi gave an incredibly informative presentation about the birdlife and issues impacting on Midway Attol, and showed a great variety of woderful photos she took during her stay.
The Islands have a large bird population: 73% of the worlds Laysan Albatross, 36% of the Worlds black footed Albatross as well as the rare short-tailed albatross. It was a very informative and interesting session and members took the opportunity to ask Madi a lot of questions.
Thanks Madi for a great presentation! To see some of her amazing work, check out her Instagram page.
Digital Challenges
Blur – This Challenge is all about using blur, whether intentional or otherwise, to give your image an extra edge. Blur tends to indicate movement, or is able to hide distractions, so used effectively can add an extra dimension.
Print Challenge
Leading Lines – Leading lines are a great way of adding depth to any photos as the converging lines create a sense of distance. Leading lines can also improve your photo composition by making the viewer feel as if they are standing in the photo.