November 2020 club meeting

19 November 2020

On the agenda…

Daily photo challenge – Phil Hallam and Lisa Kean

HPS members Phil Hallam and Lisa Kean gave a presentation of the 366 challenge that they are currently undertaking throughout 2020. The idea started on New Year’s Day when Lisa came up with the idea and talked Phil into joining her.

They compiled a list of themes for every day of the year and have maintained the daily challenge all year. 

They admitted that some days it was difficult to capture, shoot and process all on the day, especially while judging fulltime work and everything else that 2020 has thrown at them!

Lisa and Phil presented a great range of images – from the beautiful to the simple, creative and humours, and everything in between! The talk provided a lot of information about the benefits of this type of challenge – and especially of having a buddy to motivate you throto make it through! 


Lightpainting – Phil Hallam

One of the tricks Phil has used to help create his 366 images is lightpainting – or ‘Still Life by Torch Light’. He uses a strong LED torch and some simple homemade diffusers and ‘paints’ the light over his still life subjects, allowing the light to build up and creating a more atmospheric feeling than could be achieved with a flash or other forms of lighting.

Digital Challenges


Print Challenge